One big happy family

One big happy family

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This blog is gonna be about one of my best friends. Veronica Ann Popi Thomas. Or otherwise known as Roni. (center) She is freakin' hilarious. Do you know why she has such a long name? Well her real name is just Veronica Ann. But she said she was named Popi by an Indian Chief. Since shes part INdian i guess , pretty cool huh? And has one of the bestest personalities. Her laugh is so cute !!! The most interesting thing about Roni is that.....she wrestles. Yes , i know its really kind of weird for a girl to wrestle. But she is so amazing at it.

These pictures are of me , Roni and Shaylee LeFevre-my other best friend- at the Utah Summer Games . Our basketball went there to compete. Roni was on the team playing with us while she was doing wrestling there in Cedar City. Our whole team and our parents plus our coach all went to watch and cheer on Roni while she wrestled since we had nothing to do the whole day.
But i love Roni. She is also very manly. Literally. Shes the kind of girl who ends up graduating with D's. She's the one who i sat by in homeroom History with Topham. She's the one who just about got me in trouble every day in that class since she either talked to me in the back row, fell asleep by each other during a boring history movie on george washington, asked me to sing in from of the class or drew on the small chalkboard with johanna in the back of the class with colorful chalk. But i got through that class without even one single S in citizenship.

But for what it was, it was worth it. Even it had to be we had to be sent out in the hall.

She's a one of a kind friend. I love her so so glad she's my friend. i admire her so much!

Heres Roni getting ready for a match....doesnt she look adorable , cute .....and SEXY!!!! HAHA:)

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